The Language Barrier

Hello there!

I can't believe it's been almost two months since I came to Costa Rica.

Life has been definitely crazy and busy with all the ministries plus my own classes but it has been amazing too!

I had the week off for Semana Santa (Holy week) and it was much needed. I was able to catch up on my school work and I got to do a little bit of tourism too.

The following week I was asked to lead a bible study (for Las Gradas ministry) for the little kids and it was very challenging. It's already difficult trying to explain the Bible to kids, but in a foreign language... it can't get harder than that:) But it all went well and the kids were very sweet. We talked about Moses and the Red Sea and how God makes a way (literary) for His people.

As I start to lead Bible studies/ devotionals, mastering the language becomes crucial. Please pray that I will be able to gain the skills so that I can communicate with more confidence and certainty. I feel like I can finally communicate by myself without a lot of difficulties and that has been very good at making me speak Spanish comfortably. However, it's still a big struggle at times, especially when it's regarding the Bible. So I'd appreciate your prayers.

As I shared with you before, my host parents are youth pastors so I join them every week and it has been so good to have a community of believers who are the same age. Working with the ministries in Carpio doesn't allow me to interact with people my age since I work mainly with kids. So this has been really good to me.  Last week, we went to an amusement park with the people from the youth group and it was a really good time to get to know them and a little bit more about the culture as well.

My host parents have given me the opportunity to take over one of the youth group meetings to talk about Japan and how they can pray for Christians in Japan. I will be doing that on the 24th so please let me know how they can pray for Japan.

So excited to be able to share a bit about the Japanese culture with them!



First Week in CR

Ministry: Las Gradas

I'm Going Back!!