Translating, Leading and Serving
It's been a while since my last post. I have been very busy for the past 3 weeks doing so many great things... I will be sharing a little bit with you all!
One was a medical team and I tagged along as a translator! I was really worried since my Spanish is not so great but it was definitely a great experience. And I think opportunities like these help me become more confident with my Spanish skills. Also, through the translators' team, I met a lady who is hoping to go to Japan as a missionary. She is currently learning Japanese and is hoping to go next year! We had great conversations regarding Japan and her passion for Japan. She shared with me that she has a heart for the youth, especially those who suffer from depression, hikikomori, and other illness. She is hoping to help the young generation find their identity and hope in Christ!
The other group was from Indiana and I was able to serve with them for more than a week! Their heart for God and willingness to serve Him no matter the circumstances was something that very evident! With this group, we work with kids and youths.
We prayed for the nation, for the churches, and for generations that need to hear the gospel.
I will be hitting the 3 months mark next week! It's crazy to think that it has already been that much! During these 3 months, I had a lot of good experiences and encounters but I faced many challenges too. Being away from home is not easy and sometimes it can be really hard when there's a language barrier. But through it all, God has been so good to me! For the past month, I have been praying about whether I should stay longer or not. I believe that for this season God has called me to serve Him here in this place. My original plan was to stay until mid-August but God willing, I would like to stay until the end of the year! I ask for your prayers as I prepare to stay 9 months in total! I am beyond thankful for the amount of support Lifesong has shown to me and the heart our church has for missions! I'm blessed to be able to share my experiences with you all!